I've always been a bit of a loner. I tend to have a small group of close friends, but the people in my life never have the staying power or emotional connection that music does for me. Human beings come and go, but the music? That's forever.
So while the songs are like my friends, sometimes there's an artist or a band that I really love, with whom I cultivate a special relationship; almost like a long-distance crush. In those cases, finally getting to see them live is like finally getting the object of my affection into bed. It may be a crass comparison, but it's true. Like sex, sometimes the live show is just good enough, once in a while it's awful and destroys my interest, and occasionally, it puts me over the edge and I truly fall in love.
In the past week I was lucky enough to finally see two bands that I've adored from afar for quite some time.
Last night I saw First Aid Kit, a Swedish combo whose perpetually sold-out shows I had failed to get a ticket for twice previously. Needless to say, I was thrilled to finally get into their performance at the Neptune. And I enjoyed it. It was good, even had moments of greatness, like their cover of one of my all-time favourite Simon & Garfunkel tunes, but it didn't leave me wanting more. In the end, I was happy and satisfied, but... well... let's just go back to being friends.
Frightened Rabbit was another story entirely. I loved every second of their show on Monday, and wished they could've gone on playing all night. I walked out of The Triple Door energized, and more in love with those Scottish boys than ever. I'm listening to their records even more often now, and I've already planned a trip out of my way to see them again in Glasgow this winter. I'm smitten. I can't get enough.
Sure, the analogy may seem a bit of a stretch, but I can name men in my dating life who parallel both of these situations, as well as the more disappointing live shows I've attended. And no matter the outcome, spending a night with your crush (musical or otherwise) is always worth it. You never know, it could be that oh-so-rare one who captures your heart forever.