Wednesday, 29 December 2010

End of the Line... for 2010

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I figure if I'm not hell-bent on changing something in, say, mid-September, why would I bother to do it on January 1st? I wouldn't.

I'm also not one for looking back and reflecting on the past year. I probably did once, when I was a young, fresh-faced lass still imagining that a new calendar meant some sort of tangible change. Now I do no more than make a snap judgment of I suppose the year was pretty good or That totally sucked, and move on.

This year, that snap judgment was just a shrug and Enh, it was the same as every other year. Nothing of note.

Which is clearly not true. Since I love me a good list, I'm going to use a list to shake off the apathy and make some effort at memorializing 2010. So here it is...

Ten Random Things I Did in 2010 that Turned Out to Be Pretty Awesome
  1. Joined Twitter, and became addicted to it
  2. Drank the Rainbow
  3. Traveled to more than 20 cities in 8 countries, including 6 different US States
  4. Did almost all of my traveling solo
  5. Tried authentic Texas barbecue and discovered that BBQ sauce neutralizes the pure evil of pickles
  6. Started this blog, and attracted upwards of 2 readers
  7. Continued not joining Facebook
  8. Cooked a traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner for my Seattle family
  9. Started watching Jersey Shore
  10. Acquired some new besties

I could also do an opposite list: stuff that sucked in 2010, but that's just the kind of thinking that gets me all bitter and negative in the first place. So I'm not going to write those things down... at least not until tomorrow.


    1. I might not ever see you but I do read your blog, it's in my RSS feed, one of the few in my "Soylent Green" folder (It's made of people! people!)
