I can only speak for the Canadian side, but I imagine the US version of Niagara is the same: one giant tourist trap. Everywhere I turned, someone was eager to relieve me of the burden of my cash. Just parking my car cost me an excessively long line-up and $16. But wow, the falls were amazing. The city of Niagara Falls, Ontario? I could've skipped it, but I was hungry, and there was a Tim Horton's. Anyway. The Falls.

I may be biased, water-oriented human being that I am, but I thought it was pretty damn awesome. The photos can't do it justice, but I took a ton anyway. It just seemed necessary.
And no, I didn't see any newlyweds. I did see some Amish folks, though. Made me wonder how they got there. (Amish families not pictured)
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