Thursday, 11 February 2010

The Mall

Seems like everyone around me is in some sort of tizzy about Valentine's Day, be it a rush to find their beloved a meaningful tribute, or to purchase enough alchohol to drown their single-person sorrows. I guess I'm alone in having no reaction whatsoever to the day celebrating a mysterious, but apparently romantic, early Christian martyr. Maybe it's because I don't have any interest in this whole enterprise that causes people to feel one way or another about St Valentine's Day. I prefer being single, so as I said earlier today, "I don't really want somebody to be all up in my face, worrying about a dumb holiday."

What does bother me about this time of year is the advertising. Whether it's television, spam, or the world wide interwebs, I'm bombarded with commercials that essentially say You are required to buy a woman a gift, but you're just a dumb guy who can't figure out what she wants. Never fear! She definitely wants...
... a big pile of diamonds!
... a heart shaped box of terrible candy!
... a bouquet of flowers the size of a Volkswagen!

She doesn't want any of that stuff, if she's like most women out there. What she really wants is probably a new iPod, or a week in Hawaii because February is freakin' cold where she lives. At first the ads were just silly, but as February 14th nears, their ubiquity is beginning to agitate me.

I guess I need to find a way to make money off Go ask your significant other how they want to celebrate this holiday of romance, and then DO THAT. I'd be a millionaire!

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