Monday, 25 January 2010


Over the last couple of weeks, I've had a nasty cold and as such, tried to make good decisions for my health and recuperation. Sadly, my inner Whoo! Girl continually took over and undermined all attempts to be sober and go to bed early. I finally had to find the parent in my psyche, and tell myself I was grounded.

It makes me wonder, do some of us just never grow up?

I've known people who were completely responsible and had it together by age 14. I also know other folks who are completely immature, and/or out partying every night well into their golden years. But for the most part these people also have respectable jobs, pay their bills on time, have kids, pets, spouses, their own residences... all the usual grown up life accoutrements. And as I get older, but remain the same mental age, I get to know more and more of the latter group.

So is there really an epidemic of Peter Pan syndrome? Or am I failing to properly define adulthood?

A college professor of mine said there are three paths to adulthood: marriage, children, or financial independence. But she never told us where you got at the end of that road.

I've followed her path, so maybe I'm here. Maybe adulthood is what we make of it. Maybe I am a grown up.
But I'm still grounded.

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